Payment ID Generator

The Payment ID is usually used to identify transactions to merchants and exchanges: Given the intrinsic privacy features built into (NNC), where a single public address is usually used for incoming transactions, the Payment ID is especially useful to tie incoming payments with user accounts.

transfer syntax:            transfer <mixin_count> <addr_1> <amount_1> [<addr_2> <amount_2> ... <addr_N> <amount_N>] [-p payment_id] [-f fee_amountt]
Example single address transfer: transfer 3 NaaVkFqnzkwdMitMktb7jg8PzwHdVfCHENA6W9YwokVXUZzYwFXmuvF2fjokfpjiRkAwhQtnGwMmLaRE8JjLYMak1BqByG2bU 1 -p aa414824c9adef1dee7963217857bdb81b7572a5ec679e8678386a8841bf65ee

Click the button to generate random NicNac Coin PaymentID


Wallet commands:
Command Description Arg 1 Arg 2 Arg 3 Arg 4 Arg 5
address Show current wallet public address - - - - -
balance Show current wallet balance - - - - -
bc_height Show blockchain height   - - - -
help Print help on wallet commands - - - - -
incoming_transfers Show incoming transfers - - - - -
list_transfers Show all known transfers - - - - -
payments Show payments with the corresponding payment_id's. You may indicate more than one payment_id. [string] payment_id - - - -
reset Discard cache data and start synchronizing from scratch - - - - -
save Save wallet synchronized data - - - - -
set_log Change current log detailization level [uint] log level (0 - 4) - - - -
start_mining Start mining in daemon - - - - -
stop_mining Stop mining in daemon - - - - -
transfer Transfer amount to address with mixin_count (number of transactions yours is indistinguishable from) [uint] mixin_count [string] address [double] amount [string] -p payment_id [double] -f fee

Nic Nac Coin NNC is anonymous, the sender is unknown.
But services and merchants can generate a unique PaymentID for every customer.
PaymentID is associated with user/customer account. To receive NNC payments or donations,
you should generate new PaymentID for every user/customer.
You can do it with this simple generator. Press"Generate new PaymentID" button.